What a week it has been!! Wow. I feel like I'm always saying that..but it's always true! This week there was especially a lot that happened. We had a baptism, the ward Christmas Social, Transfers calls, we found two golden families, worked with Kerry, packed, planned another baptism, Zone Christmas Conference in TIFTON, had Exchanges with the Forsyth sisters...it was crazy.
Ok, I have limited time, so we'll see how it goes.
First, we had a wonderful Christmas Conference in Tifton. I really, really love adventures. Apparently that's something I will need to always incorporate into my life because as we were driving early in the morning, I was absolutely giddy. I was just so excited to be doing something out of the normal routine. We learned so many amazing things at the conference..not to mention some incredible music numbers. Music can truly bring the spirit in an incredible way. The spirit was so strong there with at least one hundred missionaries in the same room, it was like you could reach out and touch it.
Shandora (recent convert) from Forsyth. Love her! |
The next day, we had exchanges with the Forsyth STLs. I went to Forsyth with sister Goade and Sister Demann took sister Mcolough around Cochran. It was a wonderful to spend some time with Sister Goade. She has had a lot placed on her shoulders recently, and it was a great experience to simply let her know that she was loved and that she can do what the Lord knows she needs to be doing at this time. I loved the people in Forsyth! the second picture is of a sweet lady. She's a recent convert who has done much for the missionaries. She needs lots of support right now, so they go see her often. She was cute and brought us breakfast the day I left.
As soon as I got back to Cochran, we had some amazing lessons in Eastman. (a long day of driving..well driving to Tifton and back was 3.5 hours...so it was just a long week of driving). We got to catch up with a lady nicknamed CAT whom we hadn't seen in several weeks. We met her whole family this time (her son was there visiting). And shared a Christmas message with all of them. I often pick scriptures from the BOM to share so then I can introduce it to people. Well, her son was very interested in the book I was reading from. We taught a little about it, and near the end, I asked if I could share one of my favorite passages of scripture from it with him. 3 Nephi 11: 8-14. As I was reading about Jesus Christ appearing to the people in the Americas, I felt an intense witness that what I was reading was true. I couldn't stop the tears from sneaking out. It was a wonderful lesson. I don't know if they got as much out of it as I did, but I sincerely pray they did.
Jennifer is baptized! |
The next day we were up and preparing for Jennifer's baptism!! I haven't written too much about Jennifer yet, but she has been through MANY trials to get where she is today. At one point she told us she was never coming back to the church and she wanted nothing to do with it. The next day she was there in class because the spirit wouldn't let her stay away. As our Bishop said concerning the situation,"Brothers and Sisters, what you are seeing here truly is a miracle." Yesterday Jennifer was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was the most beautiful service I have attended. This morning she wrote us a text telling us how she had received much persecution since joining the church, but she was staying strong. She had been reading the Book of Mormon and said she could not put the book down. She had an overwhelming feeling arise in her chest, throat, and heart. She told us that what we had all said about the burning feeling of knowing is true. She had felt it. What an incredible journey we have been on with her! The adversary threw every possible dart at her, and she still listened to the Holy Ghost and followed what she felt was true. I am so so so happy for her.
Mr. and Mrs Claus (Brother and Sister Kersey)! They dressed like this for the ward party and then again on Sunday to visit a large family gathering. |
Then on Saturday, we had our ward Christmas Social. Wow, I love all those people!!! It was absolutely wonderful to see all those I have drawn so close to in this last transfer come together in order to celebrate the Savior's birth. We had so much fun. It was the perfect way to be sent off.
Miss Louise I absolutely love her!! She is so on fire!! She's getting baptized in January. She loves the Lord with all her heart and more. We tear up together while reading scripture. Her testimony is so strong. |
That night, we came home for transfer calls. I was praying I could stay for at least one more transfer, but felt in my heart that the wish may not be granted. Yes, it will be hard to leave the amazing people we are working with right now, but I know the Lord will protect them. Sister Demann is here to help them step toward the path that leads to eternal life. I love them. I never knew how hard it would be to leave. I'm more sad about leaving these people behind than I was about leaving home (maybe that's because I knew I would eventually be coming home). I am excited for the new place that I will be going with my new companion :) You'll all get a picture next week. Oh, Rose will also be baptized next week so I'll forward a pic of that from sister Demann. Wow, it's so hard to leave these people!
Lastly, Sunday we said goodbye. Well, we said hello to two new families who are so so ready for the gospel. We wanted to work until the very end, so we visited a few referrals we had received, and the Lord showed us miracles. I wasn't planning on it, but I'm so glad sister Demann asked if we could. I'm excited to hear about how their progression in the gospel through emails.
I love you all! I'll send a few more pictures.