Monday, October 10, 2016

A Person Without Prayer is like a Tree Without Roots

What you've all been waiting for... the Davis Family!
Thank you all for your prayers during hurricane Matthew. We were blessed and fortunate to not be directly hit. There was a significant amount of rain and wind here, but nothing that stopped missionary work from happening. Sister Anderson and I were praying with everything inside of us that the hurricane wouldn't stop the Davis' baptism from happening yet again. Remarkably, we left the apartment Saturday morning with no rain or wind. There were even a few sunbeams breaking through the clouds--a perfect day for a baptism! 

Real quick on the hurricane:

Last p-day we went to the junk yard owned by a member
and smashed some cars. Talk about a good workout!
We received MANY people into Douglas this past week. Most of them were from the Brunswick area..others were from Florida. There were a couple of shelters set up, and all the campgrounds and hotels were absolutely full. We spent some time doing service for those staying here this past weekend. It's hard to see these people not know when they will be able to go home or what they will be going home to. Thankfully, the atonement of Jesus Christ can strengthen us to overcome any trial or challenge and find the lasting peace we all so desperately need. 

The Zone leaders here in Douglas were also able to provide housing for some of the missionaries serving in Savannah since none of the missionaries in that area of the mission were allowed to stay. Many of them went to areas near/around the Macon area. Some of them were sent as far South as Douglas though. 

This week we had some wonderful lessons! One of the highlights was from last night. We went over to try and see Jennifer (a super golden lady who is running from the gospel because she's scared of change but she KNOWS she needs to be baptized and needs to make changes now! She will soon..anyways). We got to talk to her for a few minutes. She and her daughter BOTH had been reading the plan of salvation pamphlets we left with them. The second miracle, however, was that she was 'too busy' to really talk with she told us to visit her husband's brother who just returned from jail. She said he was really awesome, and we would love talking with him. I have to admit, I was a little nervous at first because it was late at night and we'd heard from his parents multiple times that he was the trouble maker of the family. We went anyways, and can I just say...that was an amazing lesson! Wow, his girlfriend(who we didn't know was living there at the time) is SUPER ready and open minded about the gospel. He actually gained a great testimony while in jail because he didn't have too much to do, so figured he might as well read the Book of Mormon (He's a member). He is currently on Alma 43. Alma 43! They said we would be welcome back any time. We set an appointment for Tuesday, and they even said they would cook dinner. It was such an incredible experience. 

A funny story from Thursday:
We went to a part member's home who we haven't been able to visit with much recently. They haven't been letting us in, but they did that night! We were able to have a great lesson on the Restoration. We used more bible stories and scriptures which allowed them to open up to us and actually listen to the message of the restoration rather than just blowing it off as they have with missionaries in the past. We all (at least we're praying they did, and they seemed to) felt the spirit, and they committed to read from the restoration pamphlet. The funny part though--We were sitting there talking and a bug flies into the face of the wife. She has had lots of health concerns, along with her husband, and she's probably late 60s or so. Well, she yells out, "What's that?" Swatting it away from her face. Her husband, answering in a very matter of fact tone, "It's a  bug." Ha that alone was enough to crack us up. The wife then proceeded, however, to wad up a news paper and chase after the bug. She then stood on the very old, unstable couch trying to smash the little bugger. Her husband was saying the whole time, "Woah, careful there honey." We also were seriously concerned for her safety and followed her around telling her to let us smash it. She, however, would not give up. Luckily, we didn't have to catch a falling woman from off the couch seeing how she was able to keep her balance for long enough. Hopefully that made y'all's day. It made mine. :D 

Love Y'all! Have a blessed week!
Sister Brown

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