Wednesday I was quite ill. Something has been going around and sister Lewis and I caught it once before..but then the same type of symptoms hit me hard Tuesday night and Wednesday. Wanting to be obedient, I still woke up on time and followed the schedule just as usual..but I was performing at far less than my usual ability. The entire day it seemed we had appointments falling through and people not wanting to talk to us. To be completely honest, all I wanted to do was sleep for days. I knew, however, that I didn't come out on a mission to sleep. This was our only FULL day of missionary work because we had additional meetings this week and then general conference this weekend. I had to push through. Although we didn't see any particular miracles or blessings, my testimony of enduring to the end was strengthened. I knew that I tried my hardest regardless of physical limitations. Luckily we didn't have a dinner appointment that day, so I was able to come home and take a quick nap. That was greatly needed and appreciated :) I am so grateful for the strength that the Lord will give us to be able to endure our trials. We can be strengthened just as Nephi was when his bands were loosed.
Lindsay helps Sister Mim do her hair while they watched some of the priesthood session. |
A story on the power of the Book of Mormon- We've been working with a less active lady recently. We have tried to encourage her to read the Book of Mormon. we downloaded it onto her phone and her son showed her how to use the listening function of the app. We went back this week and asked her about her study. It had only been a couple of days, and she had already listened to the first 7 chapters. She was in love with the story! We could see the spirit coming into her study more and more. She used to only study the bible because that's what she grew up with and was comfortable with. We went back two days later and she had read 7 more chapters! She was overjoyed with the results. She explained that it was so much easier to understand that expected. She told us about how she felt a great connection with this book. We called on Sunday to make sure she was able to watch General Conference. She said yes she did and she loved it. Then she told us about how she wanted so badly to keep listening to the Book of Mormon, so she also listened to that after the Conference session. She said she couldn't describe the feeling she had while listening. She was just filled with the spirit. Her voice over the phone exuded joy, love, and gratitude for this book! I know that what she felt is how I feel when I read this account of Jesus Christ. It IS another witness of our Lord and Savior. The only way you can know it is true is by reading it. God loves us, so He gave us the Book of Mormon.
Lindsay says where else do you see a truck flying three full-sized flags? Georgia, that's where. |
On Friday, Sister Lewis and I drove to Macon for the Missionary Leadership Conference. That's where all the Zone leaders and Sister Training leaders meet to receive direction from the mission presidency which we will pass on next week at Zone training meeting with all the other missionaries. During the drive up, we got a text from the Zone leaders in Hinesville asking if we had already left. They told us there was a Tornado warning until 9 pm that night and that we should be careful. They also told us the meeting had been moved up an hour. Seeing how it was April 1st, we figured all of it was a joke and laughed it off. The moving of the meeting time was a joke...but as we continued making the 3 hour trip we ran into a NASTY storm. We realized the tornado warning was actually very real. Thankfully, we were safe..just a little bit wet :) What a blessing to arrive safely to the meeting house three hours away while we drive by multiple areas ruined by the tornadoes. We didn't see the wreckage until the drive's always a bit of a shock.
We received much needed council at MLC. One thing I would like to touch on is how powerful the spirit can bear witness of our message when we live worthy of his additional witness. This was not a training given, but it was something I felt while President Cottle was speaking. His words hit so powerfully that everyone in the room knew they were true. The spirit was so thick, you KNEW what was being said was true. I am grateful for the power of the Holy Ghost and the conversion we can receive by listening to those promptings.
Notice the gator!?! |
My time is short, but I want to encourage everyone to listen to General Conference over and over again! The messages shared there are critical for our understanding and salvation. Let's Please humble ourselves to accept what the Lord would have us hear. Put aside our personal views to listen to Him for a time. I love you all and I love this work. I see miracles every day. Just being here is a miracle.
Love you!
Be safe!!
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